Capricorn Season: A Tarotscope for Sea Goats

Hey friends! Welcome to this month’s free tarotscope—a tarot-meets-horoscope reading designed to shed light a little light onto your path. Though we’ll be moving into Aquarius season on the 20th, for now we’re still grounded into steadfast, pragmatic Capricorn. Happy birthday, sea goats!

Folks who support me on Patreon get monthly tarotscopes for every sign during the first week of each month, so if you want a full year of horoscopes for your sign, consider signing up!


  • Mars enters Sagittarius on January 3rd

  • Full Moon in Cancer with Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on January 10th

  • Uranus stations Direct on January 10th

  • Sun enters Aquarius on January 20th 

  • New Moon in Aquarius on January 24th

The Tower

the tower bw.jpg

Oh Cap, that Tower. If you've been following along with me for a while you're probably aware that this card is the 'bogeyman' of the tarot, and while that's an understandable takeaway, it's worth remembering that this card also offers opportunities for vital, dynamic change. In fact, with this card on your side you're one of the few signs who will benefit from the stark, intense energy of Mars in Sagittarius. You want to burn it down? You want to quit your job, or break off a toxic relationship, or run away to the woods in the middle of the night? The Tower holds that kind of energy--radical, pattern-breaking decisions that topple routines and destroy unsound structures. So if your routine is getting you down and your patterns are driving you crazy? Use Mars in Sag to get the fuck out before The Tower takes care of that necessary change for you.

As the stars shift more reflective, the Full Moon in Cancer brings you internal towers to topple. Ordinarily so pragmatic and externally focused, you're the sign most likely to feel the deep, deep impact of the penumbral eclipse - the activation of the lunar nodes that dictate our karmic paths. Who you were meets who you are in a way that might feel explosive, even cataclysmic. Ghosts from your past resurface, but rather than run from them, I'd suggest meeting them head on. Say what you need to say, acknowledge what comes to the surface, and prepare to shed your skin and start over. You can always start over, Capricorn. Even when the night is dark and the path is obscured. From the ruins we rebuild.

Uranus direct gives you the tools to start that rebuilding--all the plans, hopes, and goals that felt out of reach before will suddenly feel closer, more attainable. And that's the gift of The Tower: it removes your obstacles. While it may be uncomfortable and inconvenient, even a little bit scary, trust that whatever falls apart simply wasn't built to last. Independence is at the forefront as the sun shifts into Aquarius, and once the dust settles you'll feel excited to explore the new paths being revealed to you, to experiment with what you're building. Don't sweat the potential for destruction that comes with The Tower, Capricorn. It's only uncomfortable because you prefer routine over chaos. But chaos is a powerful ally. Sit with that. 

We’ll take a look at Aquarius’ tarotscope next month! Happy birthday, Capricorn, and happy new year to all!

